Categories: CTL Coaches-in-Training

I love to help people live out their heart-plan.
Family has been pivotal in my life’s journey, married for over forty years to a brilliant and courageous partner, with two wonderful and happy children, and three beautiful and energetic grandchildren.  I am an adventurer who loves nature and playing outdoors.  My friends would say I am witty and fun to be around.
After graduating with a B.S. in Agri-Business, I climbed the corporate ladder in the arena of finance before being called into full-time ministry. I received my MDiv from Saint Paul School of Theology and served twenty years as a pastor in six United Methodist congregations of all sizes, each with different gifts and challenges.  There were many successes along the way, yet they came with a fair share of bumps and bruises.
It is because of my journey that was fraught with isolation at times and mostly trial and error, that I am dedicating this step of my life to walking alongside those with similar paths, to encourage and help bolster them. Life is a Journey; best taken with someone who has walked the road before.

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