Categories: ACC and PCC Certified CTL Coaches

Are you struggling to reach your goals? If so, maybe you’ve lost focus on the things that matter most. It is tough to stay focused today. It is so easy to get off track. Losing focus on the things that matter can leave you feeling confused and distracted. With decades of leading organizations, I understand how hard it is to stay focused on things that help you find fulfillment. As a coach, I help people and organizations get focused, and stay focused on the things that matter most.

I hold a Bachelor’s Degree from Ball State University, and a Master’s Degree from Asbury Seminary. I was ordained an Elder in the Indiana Conference UMC in 2010 after nearly 20 years in manufacturing management. I began my coach training with CTFL in January of 2018, and have been coaching ever since. I was awarded my Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential in December of 2020.

My areas of focus include: Congregational Development, Leadership Development, Simplified Governance Structure, Intentional Discipleship, Church Planting, SLI Leadership Incubator, and Recovery.I am convinced there are many ways I can be helpful to you or your organization. Are you ready to get focused? Are you ready to overcome confusion and distraction? Are you ready to find fulfillment and purpose? If so, let’s talk today…

Dave Scifres, ACC | (765) 277-1014 | https://realbeingcoaching.com

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